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Successful SISC
JASI swimmers once again turned out in good numbers for the SISC held at Jellie Park recently. Many NZ records were set over the weekend with Annie Horton, swimming for JASI in 50-54 yr age group, breaking longstanding NZ records in 800, 1500 and 400m freestyle. As well, our oldest competitor, Noel Saxton, in the 85-89 age group, broke the NZ record for 100 breaststroke only for it to be bettered
SISC Results - Session 3

And here are the results for the final session on Saturday afternoon....
Thank You to Our Sponsors
The following are our major sponsors for the SISC...
Kiwi Gaming Foundation, Sign Network, Speedo and Bohemian Living NZ .
A huge thank you to them for their support.
We also very much appreciate those individuals who have sponsored races.
Without the support of our sponsors this event would not have been possible.
SISC 2024 Psych Sheets
Registration has now closed. Psych sheets available under SISC 2024 tab on this website.
SISC 2024 - Register now
Entries are now open for the SISC to be held at Jellie Park on 9/10 August. Link -
Change of Swim Session Venues 2024

Members please note the change of venue for some of our Sunday sessions over winter. See attached.
New Memberships Open for 2024
Registration is now available for any new members joining JASI for the double session option. Space is very limited. There is no availability for single session members as all spaces are already allocated to our current members.
Award Winners 2023
The JASI Masters AGM was held on 26 November and the following awards were presented for this year.....
Swimmer of the Year - Matt Nash; Medley Award -Robyn Crotty; Most Improved - Dean Thomson; President's Award - Alyssa Joseph; Paul McStay Trophy - Noel Saxton.
Congratulations to all our award winners for their outstanding efforts this year.
New Memberships for 2024
An opportunity for new members to join JASI Masters will open online from 1 February 2024. We have increased the number of spaces available to new members but will still be limited so please if you are interested get in quick! We always look forward to new members joining us.
SISC at Jellie Park - 9/10 August 2024
Great news - JASI Masters are hosting the South Island Short Course Champs at Jellie Park on 9/10 August. More info coming in the New Year..........
Change to 10 September Session
Due to a cancellation we are now able to have our usual Sunday session at Jellie Park on 10 September. The rest of the changed Sunday sessions for this year will remain the same as per schedule.
Venue Changes - Sunday Sessions 2023

Once again over winter, due to events in the sport pool, some of our Sunday sessions have been moved to either Graham Condon or to an earlier time at JP. Please see attached for changes.
Corporate Rate CCC Annual Membership
Great news - All members of JASI Masters are now eligible for a 20% discount on the CCC annual membership rate. This is for swim and swim/gym memberships. Please contact to obtain a confirmation form that you are a current member of JASI Masters. You will need to provide this when signing up for your membership.
JASI - Top Club 2022
NZMS recently announced that JASI Masters won the Top Club trophy for 2022 thanks to our strong performance at the SISC meet hosted by us. Well done and congratulations to all JASI swimmers who competed and contributed to winning this award. A fantastic effort!
JASI Award Winners 2022
At the recent JASI AGM the following swimmers were congratulated and awarded trophies
- Swimmer of the Year - Robyn Crotty
- Most Improved Swimmer - Mark Westphall
- President's Trophy - Mary Hunter
- IM Trophy (closest to 100m NZ record) - Jenny Carpinter.
Robyn Crotty - Swimmer of the Year
Congratulations to JASI Masters member, Robyn Crotty, who was named 'NZ Masters Swimmer of the Year' recently for her efforts in 2021 - 11 NZ records and 2 World records. We are very proud to have Robyn as an inspiration and member of our Club. Awesome result!
SISC Success for JASI

The South Island Short Course Masters Champs were held at Jellie Park, hosted by JASI Masters, on 15/16 July 2022. With 75 entries from around the country, 30 were from JASI. Our swimmers produced some outstanding results including NZ records as follows..
- 100-119 yrs Womens Medley Relay - Amy Sugrue, Laura Sugrue, Laura Biddiscombe and Marion Donald
- 100-119 yrs Mixed Medley Relay - A
How to Enter SISC
1. If you not already a Masters Club member then join up with a local club. If you wish to join JASI Masters as a social member it is $35. See our registration form .
2. Join NZ Masters Swimming until the end of this year - $33. If you wish to join NZMS as a JASI member the link is . If you want to join as
Membership Full for 2022
Regrettably we are unable to cater for any further members in 2022 as we are restricted by lane space available at Jellie Park. We also already have a number of swimmers on our waitlist and it is unlikely that we will have many swimmers exit our squad before the end of the year.
We will re-open our membership at the beginning of February 2023 so if you are keen be quick to r
Sunday Venue Changes 2022
There are nine Sundays in 2022 where our swim session has been moved to Graham Condon due to events being held at Jellie Park. As we are unable to hire 6 lanes at GC we have split our session into two and hired 3 lanes for 2 hours to be used as follows...
3 April - 8-9am (top 3 lanes), 9-10am (lower 3 lanes)
12 June - 8-9am (lower 3 lanes), 9-10am (top 3 lanes)
3 July - 8-9am (top 3 lanes),
Jasi Masters branded clothing available online

Jasi Masters swimmers now have the option to individually purchase JASI Masters branded clothing online at
Clothing options available (prices exclude shipping)
Jasi Swim Club Crew Ladies Icon Tee $19.95
Jasi Swim Club Crew Mens Icon Tee $19.95
Unisex warm up zip pant $39.95
Unisex warm up jacket $42.50
Unisex adults contrast hoodie $64.95
JASI Top Club at NISC

The Shear Magic Shield for the club with the most points on an aggregate basis per swimmer at the recent North Island Short Course Champs was presented following recent Sunday session to Peter Johnson, Susanna Gin, Marco Troiani, Andy Vonasch and Robyn Crotty (absent). Congratulations to the five swimmers who represented JASI with a National record to Andy in the 100m Breaststroke and Robyn in th
Active Membership Now Closed for 2021...
JASI Masters currently has over 70 swimmers and the committee regrettably agreed on 6 June to close the active membership option for this year. As we have limited availability of lanes at our sessions it is important that we can accommodate our swimmers comfortably.
We will start a waitlist in case we do have members that leave over the coming months. If you are interested in joining us an
South Island Champs at Jellie Park
JASI Masters are looking forward to hosting the South Island Short Course Champs on 10/11 September 2021 at Jellie Park. The meet will be held over three sessions - Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon.
Para entries are also very welcome for the first time ever (no entry fee for para swimmers to celebrate this occasion).
There will be a social function and prizeg
Session Changes Due to Pool Unavailability 2021
There are some Sundays this year that Jellie Park is unavailable to us so we have been moved to Graham Condon. As they can only give us 4 lanes and we need 6, we have decided to book 3 lanes for 2 hours. This will mean two sessions.
Graham Condon Sunday sessions due to JP unavailability
18 April - 8am top 3 lanes, 9am bottom 3 lanes
6 June - 8am bottom 3 lanes, 9am top 3 lanes
End of Summer 2020/21

Only one more Sunday and we farewell the outdoor pool season at Jellie Park. It has been another very enjoyable summer and great to see high numbers of swimmers attending on Sundays (often 10 or more per lane). Photo of Matt Nash, our coach, with those braving the mid-teen temps today Sunday 21 March.
Outdoor Pool Opening
The opening of the outdoor pool at Jellie Park is on Saturday 14 November... From then all our Sunday training sessions will be held in the outdoor 50m pool withTuesday sessions remaining inside. Fingers crossed for some sunny Sundays!
Annual General Meeting 2020
Members will have received notification by email of the AGM and BBQ lunch to be held on 29 November starting at 12.30pm at Ken and Jane's house, 26 Kingcraft Drive, Prebbleton. Please RSVP even if you cannot attend as apologies need to be noted in the minutes.
The Club will provide meat, bread, juice etc. Please can each member bring either a dessert or salad to share. BYO drinks, chairs, picni
South Island SC Champs 2020
The South Island Short Course Champs 2020 are to be held in Ashburton on 25 and 26 September. If you are interested, we encourage you to take part as part of the JASI team. These events are always low key and a lot of fun.
You will need to ensure you have paid your annual NZ Masters registration fee $65 to be eligible to enter. Entry is via 'Fast Lane' (previously called 'My Page'):
JASI Masters Book Exchange
A few of us have been bringing books along to coffee on Sunday morning and swapping them around. Anyone is welcome to join in: if you have old books, bring them along. If you need some new reading material, help yourself. Kathryn Treeby will take home any leftovers and bring them the following week (or the next time she's there and/or remembers). Make sure to only donate books that you're happy t
Hanmer Weekend 1/2 August

A midwinter weekend away to Hanmer has been organised for JASI Masters members, families and friends. Swim sessions have been set up for the 25m pool at the Hanmer thermal pools at 9am on both Saturday and Sunday mornings, followed by a soak in the hot pools. A meal has also been organised for the family friendly time of 6.30pm at Saints on the Saturday night. The rest of the weekend wi
Breakfast at Joe's Garage

Thanks to everyone who attended the recent 'Welcome Back' breakfast following training on Sunday 28 June at Joe's Garage, Upper Riccarton. It was great to see so many keen to celebrate our return to the pool following the extended Covid-19 lockdown period. Swimmers enjoyed the opportunity to catch up and all agreed that the food was delicious.
Training at Graham Condon
Our training session on May 31st 2020 will take place at Graham Condon. There are no more constraints on swimmer per lane, so please feel free to join us. We are likely to have four lanes.
Swim Session Booking
The club is back in the pool and the first two sessions have been a great experience. Due to current restrictions, you will need to pre-book your attendance for each session. To make this easier, we have automated the booking system so that you will know immediately whether you can attend a session or not.
Due to current Jellie Park policy we can only allow four swimmers per lane which brings u
Back to the pool
We will return to our training sessions at Jellie Park on Tueseday 19th May at 6pm. You need to contact Nadia before you come to the session since we need to carefully plan the attendance. Only four swimmers per lane will be allowed. Please arrive already wearing your swimwear to reduce overcrowding in the changing rooms. Changing rooms can be used after your swim, but showers will not b
Coach Clinic
Starting in May we’re running coaching clinics on Tuesday nights and allocating a couple of lanes to a specific stroke. The emphasis is on fun and improving technique. Keep an eye on the whiteboard so you know what’s going on and you can join in on the night.
COVID-19 Lock Down

We are currently in lock down and all training sessions have been cancled. We will let you know as soon as training resumes.